Keeping websites up to date

When was the last time you updated your website? It might be time to review how your website represents your brand!
Keeping Websites Up To Date

First Impressions Count

First impressions count and can be a powerful motivator for your customers to buy your products or use your services. That is why it’s always important to keep your website up to date. Your website is the face of your business and often the first place your customers land to learn about your business and what you have to offer.


This is a simple aspect which is often taken for granted. How your website looks represents your business. If your website doesn’t look authentic, it can come across as unprofessional or untrustworthy to potential customers. It’s important that every aspect of your website mirrors who you are and what you do, packed full of useful information and well-designed to showcase your products and services. 


We spend twice as long using our smartphones than we use our laptops and desktop computers. Not having a mobile-friendly website can discern a majority of your customers from making a purchase. Your website must be mobile-friendly, it must be easy to navigate, with clear text and images for a smaller screen, and easy for customers to make browse your services and purchase products.


You only have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention and keep them engaged. Redesigning your site to have a clear structure and succinct layout is paramount to getting your audience exactly where they need to be and keeping them there. Engaging text and stunning images can provide your visitors with all the information they need and can help convert those visitors into paying customers.


The most overlooked task of having a website is maintaining the technical elements that make your website work. Failing to maintain your website can lead to it dropping search rank, losing relevancy or simply not working. Updating digital marketing and SEO ensures your website still appears every time someone makes a Google Search, this is a vital way of driving traffic to your website and maintaining relevancy to your customers. Finally keeping your website and plug-ins up to date and upgrading to new features can ensure your content still displays and the site works when someone is visiting.

It is important to keep your website up to date and keep potential customers seeing your products and services, no matter what device they are using. If you need a website audit and feel your website could do with an update, let us know.

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