
Consistency is key

How your brand messaging, social media content and website work together for a consistent digital experience.

A consistent cross-platform message

To maintain a successful marketing campaign for your business, you must look at the elements that work together to make it happen. From your brand message, to your social media pages, to your website and back to your brand message. It is a continuous cycle, a journey for every customer and being consistent throughout that journey, raises a number of benefits.

Firstly, having a consistent digital marketing strategy gives clarity to your brand, a polished brand identity coupled with an impactful brand message can be instantly recognisable. This is the benchmark for continually meeting the standards your customer has come to expect.

Secondly, putting your brand into the hands of your customers, and no better way than through social media. Being consistent on social media keeps your brand identity, message, products and services, in front of your customers with a call to action to your website. Posting regularly is key to maintaining a high level of impressions and engagement. But simply posting regularly may not be enough. 

To distinguish your brand from the competition is posting high quality video, photo or graphic content, to catch the attention of the customer and can influence them to contact your business or make a purchase. Every strategy should consist of a library of high quality content, following trends and staying in the loop with industry events and notable dates that align with company values. This is a great template for starting a consistent posting and scheduling calendar. 

Thirdly, your digital home. Your website must be easy to navigate, simple to make purchases and to contact departments, but more importantly, be consistent with the overall brand message, quality of content, and be updated regularly to maintain consistency with the other elements.

To summarise, without a beautiful and accessible website, your brand would not have a digital home for your customers to visit, without a website, your social media pages would not have anywhere to take your customers, and without a social media page, you would not have stunning content, showcasing your brand, for your customers to engage with. 

Consistent content across a consistent customer journey establishes authority and credibility for your brand and your business and producing high-quality, consistent content can help your brand establish itself as a leader in your industry.

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